Tuesday, April 7, 2009

MA Thesis and Project - accepted!!!

Can you believe it? I'm done with the MA thesis and project! I just want to cry.

My adviser complimented on my work and asked permission to share my MA project with other students as a model project! Wow, I can't believe it?

I'm so happy.


brownstudy said...

End of the journey
One step past the borderland
Start in a new place

Congratulations Rani!!! What will you do to celebrate?!?

Will you have to rename the blog now? :)

rani said...

Thank you for the haiku! I will be starting a new blog on my experience of becoming a game designer, or designing games for learning, or something like that. I have several ideas that have been waiting to get out. But the unfinished masters has served it's purpose. I haven't even told my adviser about it but will when I see her in May.

I've decided to go to graduation on May 20. I miss New York.

And of course, I also have to look for a job so we can stem our fiscal bleeding. But that will be after this java course/certification, after I visit Vancouver, and probably after New York as well. Then there's Peter's parents 50th anniversary in June. So much to do!

I can't wait.