Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Deadline 2 and revisions to concept

Well, here we go! My adviser is submitting the forms for graduation this week (thanks SL), fees have been paid and now it's just code, code, code and write until it is done. Simple, eh?

I revised my proposal fleshing out the details of the game flow and pedagogy behind the game elements. The proposal forms the basis of the paper, the concept map forms the basis of the code. I include some of the visual elements for your viewing pleasure. (Did I mention, that I LOVE Woordle - it's how I got the word map above.)

Concept map:

A few observations -- the game that I want to create is complex. If I can get the basic framework,, some of the aesthetic elements, and one version of each type pedaogical element (mini-game, mini-case, etc.) then I'm golden. Wish me luck!